Affordability and Nutrition in the American Diet: Strategies to Close Crucial Nutrient Gaps
Description: Are you a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) working with budget-conscious patients and clients? RDNs know meeting recommended intakes for fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and dairy can be a challenge. Join PepsiCo Health & Nutrition Sciences researcher Colin Rehm PhD, MPH; Professor Taylor Wallace, PhD, CFS, FACN; and Dietitian Clancy Harrison, MS, RDN, FAND as they share relevant research on cost-effective food choices to help close nutrient gaps and discuss practical strategies for RDNs to increase consumption of key food groups among patients and clients.
This event will aim to:
- Review the historically most cost-effective contributors to under-consumed food groups in the American diet
- Discuss vitamin C consumption trends over the past 20 years and the nutrient’s role in supporting key health functions
- Analyze research regarding economic determinants of diet quality and inclusion of 100% fruit juice
- Provide appropriate and practical strategies to help nutritionally under-resourced populations achieve increased intakes of under-consumed food groups and nutrients
Looking for more information on this topic? Download Uncovering the cost barriers to better nutrition infographic and publications on Cost-effective options for increasing consumption of under-consumed food groups and nutrients in the USA and Trends in Vitamin C Consumption in the United States: 1999–2018
- Nutrition on a budget
- Food group and nutrient intake